Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide+ is the active form of NADH in the the body. It is a coenzyme essential to all living cells that plays a roll in cellular metabolism. It acts directly in DNA repair, cellular metabolism, gene expression, cell signalling, and immunological function. As we age, the NAD+ levels in out body decrease which can contribute to decreased health as we grow older. This decrease is linked to skin aging, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and ocular disease.
People have called it an "anti-aging molecule" and "brain super-food", but what does it actually do for you?
- Anti-aging: NAD is a critical enzyme in DNA repair. This can help to restore your cells including skin cells to reduce the appearance of aging and help with wound healing. It also helps to activate protective pathways and stop inflammatory cycles.
- Weight loss: Has been theorized to decrease the expression of genes responsible for fat storage. This also helps improve metabolism and improve body management of blood sugar.
- Cognitive improvement: Cognitive decline is a normal effect of aging. This happens from neurodegeneration and loss of brain matter mass. NAD+ has been found to improve nerve regeneration to improve memory, protect the brain from damage, and improve regeneration of cellular mitochondria. This can improve concentration, memory, and mood.
- Muscle recovery: Studies have shown that intense exercise decreases NAD levels but that supplementation can improve performance and recovery.
- Chronic fatigue: restores energy by pumping your optimizing your cells with an essential coenzyme.
- Pain reduction: In the process of neuroregeneration, neuropathic pain can be modulated by NAD+. It is also effective as an anti-inflammatory for acute pain.
- Infertility:
- Addiction: With other addiction recovery modalities, NAD+ has shown promising benefits in addiction recovery. Helps the regeneration of the brain giving a better chance at long-term recovery. It can help regeneration of opioid receptors causing reduction in cravings and decreasing effect of withdrawal.
Why IV? We are able to bypass the inefficient GI system and get maximal dosing and effects this way.
What can I expect? Sessions take 2-7 hours depending on your tolerance and dosage. During the infusion, it is not uncommon to have flu-like symptoms including fatigue, body aches, and flush. This is improved by slowing down the infusion. We will make you as comfortable as possible during your treatment. You can enjoy your infusion time with a good book and a hot beverage, if you please.
Most people feel the results immediately, but it can take 3-5 sessions in a row to get the best results.
iv therapy home health Gilbert nad+ gilbert